What are residential care homes?

Residential care homes (personal care homes) are smaller facilities That Provide Lodging, Meals and Help With Activities Of Daily Living.

Residential Care Homes are usually nestled within neighborhoods giving them more of a home like feel and appearance. They can be small facilities which house 3-4 individuals or larger facilities which take care of many more residents. It is important to keep in mind that Not All Residential Care Homes are licensed, and you should ask when touring the facility if they are licensed and if their staff is licensed.

The homes are designed to feel like a typical home and the residents living there function like a family. There is usually less turnover in these facilities and residents can develop deep bonds with others living with them. This is important due to the impact loneliness can have on the elderly. Resident Care Homes usually have a staffing ratio that is usually better than at Assisted Living Facilities, leading to the residents being monitored more closely.

Brown-white-and-gray Houses Near Road

Smaller Home Like Feel

Given where they are, these facilities usually look and feel like a regular home. From the outside the facility looks like any other home.

Crop doctor with stethoscope in hospital

Tighter Staffing Ratios

These facilities usually house 3-4 residents per home. Some may have more. Given the smaller number of residents, the staffing ratio is usually better.

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Less Staffing Turnover

Most of these facilities are operated by a owner/operator. This individual usually serves as the primary caregiver to most of the residents

Little dog sitting in light studio

More Personable

Given less turnover and better staffing ratio, the facility gets to know its residents better. The primary caregiver becomes very vested in resident’s well being.

Residential Care Homes Can Accept Home Health and Hospice Services

This is important to understand, especially when it comes to aging in place. As residents decline, they may need additional services from licensed agencies (Home Health and Hospice). These agencies can provide services in a Residential Care Home, allowing patients to age in place and also get the care that they need to live a meaningful life.

Pink entrance door in old building

Personalized Care Homes – Designed to Look Like A Home

No one wants to live in an “facility”. The Personal Care Homes look and feel like actual houses. They are located in neighborhoods, have front and back yards, and typical rooms like a traditional home. The homes may be modified to be more accessible to those with mobility issues. They offer personalized care, companionship, and love so you can feel right at home.