Assisted Living Facilities

Community based living solutions for seniors who require some help with their activities of daily living.
What is included?

Assisted Living Facility Care

Assisted living facilities provide a safe place for residents to live who need additional help and are getting to the point where living alone is starting to become unsafe. Assisted Living facilities try to provide as much as independence as possible while maintaining a safe environment. Some facilities have separate sections where additional support is provided for seniors who need additional help.

Financial costs

how To Pay For An Assisted Living Facility?

Assisted Living Facilities usually charge a monthly rate. This rate includes room and board and some basic care needs. It is important to understand the types of care being offered. The payments for room and board are usually not covered by insurance and are usually paid for privately (like apartment rent). There are some insurance policies (long term insurance) which do allow for you to reclaim some of these costs. Check with your insurance carrier.

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